Digital Summit 2024

Dr. Brian Shen
Chairman of ASOCIO
Dr. Brian Shen

Greeting from Chairman of ASOCIO

Welcome to the ASOCIO Digital Summit 2024 in Tokyo, where we embark on a transformative journey towards realizing the vision of Digital Asia – Global sharing of Digital skills.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to JISA for their dedicated efforts in hosting the Digital Summit, providing us with the invaluable opportunity to convene here in Tokyo, the birthplace of ASOCIO four decades ago. As we commemorate ASOCIO's 40th anniversary, we reflect on our journey rooted in Asian values, distinguishing us from our counterparts in Europe and the United States. Our mission remains resolute: to foster cooperative relations among member countries and advance digital transformation initiatives, realizing the vision of a 'Digital Asia' enriching our lives.

Releasing talent serves as our driving force, empowering digital talent to be more liberated, creative, and active, "ASOCIO Digital Summit 2024 in Tokyo" serves as an important platform to contemplate "Global sharing of Digital skills," fostering an environment where transformation knows no boundaries.

Digital Asia is not just a concept but a reality that shapes our present and future. Digital technologies have revolutionized society, transforming global businesses and individual lives worldwide. In Asia, these advancements have propelled social and economic progress, raising living standards and fostering prosperity. However, they also have the potential to exacerbate existing disparities in education, gender, income, and occupation across the region. To beat these challenges requires collective efforts to bridge the digital gap, ensure digital inclusivity, and navigate security and privacy concerns.

ASOCIO, in collaboration with member associations, governments, companies, research centers and international organizations in Asian Oceanian region, is committed to overcoming these challenges and unleashing the full potential of digital technologies for a better and prosperous Asia and beyond.

Under the theme " Digital Asia – Global sharing of Digital skills" this year's summit aims to foster collaboration and cooperation towards building an interconnected and inclusive Asia. Building upon the success of past summits, we delve deeper into strategies driving the digital economy forward, with insightful presentations, forums, and networking sessions.

As we navigate the digital landscape, let us uphold our commitment to fostering an environment that values digital inclusivity, education, and security. Let us harness the power of technology to create a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Together, let us pave the way for a Digital Asia that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and resilience.

Welcome to the ASOCIO Digital Summit 2024!

Mr. Tetsuya Fukunaga
Chairman of JISA
Mr. Tetsuya Fukunaga

Greeting from Chairman of JISA

As the Chairman of JISA, I am very pleased that ASOCIO has reached this important milestone of its 40th anniversary and would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations. It is also a great honor for JISA to host ASOCIO's Annual General Meeting and the important ASOCIO Digital Summit in Tokyo in this memorable year.

In this era of great social change, digitalization, in which the technological paradigm is shifting and digital technology is reshaping not only people's lives but also the structure of society and culture, we who are involved in the IT services industry need to think deeply again about our roles and responsibilities.

Furthermore, ASOCIO, as a regional organization representing major countries and regions in Asia and Oceania, is required to provide guidelines and recommendations to guide the digitalization of society along the right social path.

The Digital Summit 2024 will focus on true solidarity among ASOCIO member regions under the theme of "Digital Asia - Global Sharing of Digital Skills," share digital technologies beyond national and regional barriers, and pave the way for the next era. This theme calls for the collective efforts and wisdom of all ASOCIO members and charts the way for the future. The knowledge and expertise accumulated by ASOCIO member organizations over the past 40 years is expected to continue to be developed into an even larger movement through the dedicated efforts of ASOCIO member organizations.

As we celebrate ASOCIO's 40th anniversary, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our members, partners and stakeholders for their unwavering support and dedication. Going forward, we aim to move ASOCIO forward as a comprehensive digital movement through further solidarity and cooperation. Let us take this 40th anniversary as an opportunity to unite the strengths of ASOCIO members with a new vision and spirit of cooperation to pave the way for the next decade and a new future.

6(Wed) ~ 8(Fri), 2024
Address 1-12-33, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
TEL +81-3-3505-1111
Access Please check the website of ANA INTERCONTINENTAL TOKYO.

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  • July 17, 2024

    Registration for ASOCIO Digital Summit 2024 is now open.

  • July 3, 2024

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